Moniek Buijzen (Ph.D., 2003) is professor at Radboud University Nijmegen and visiting professor in CCAM. In 2003 she received a 3-year Veni award for talented junior researchers from the Dutch National science foundation (NWO). In 2008 she received a prestigious 5-year NWO Vidi grant for a research project on young people's commercial media environment. Buijzen's research focuses on the processes and effects of advertising, social marketing, and family and peer group communication about consumer matters. Her work has been recognized with several awards from the International Communication Association (ICA).
In addition to her academic activities, Buijzen focuses on bridging the academy-society divide. She is a member of the advisory boards of the Dutch AV rating system and the Media Literacy Network, and is a board member of the Dutch Foundation for Science Correspondence. Together with colleague Esther Rozendaal she initiated, a subscribtion website presenting academic research knowledge in bitesize portions. For more information, see