
Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2021 - Online Edition

Every year, the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap conference (“24 hours of Communication Science”) takes place. This is an important get-together for communication scholars from the Netherlands and Flanders. The conferences are hosted by communication science departments, and the practical organization is in the hands of local organization teams.

This year, given the Covid-19 pandemic, a virtual version of the conference was held. Held in a smaller configuration than our regular Etmaal, the conference focused specifically on the scholarship lead authored by PhD students and research masters, as for them, it is most important to be able to present their work at academic conferences.

As in past years, some of CcaM's newest research made an appearance at Etmaal - incuding work on the accuracy of self-reported social media use; how families approach virtual assistants in their homes; and the struggles teens have with self-control when using media. Congratulations to all on your important work!


Wai Lam Wong, Damian Trilling, Annemarie van Oosten

More than Words: Using Machine Learning to Understand Sexual Health Conversations in YouTube

Ewa Miedzobrodzka, Elly Konijn & Lydia Krabbendam

Habitual and Short-term Exposure to Violent Video Games Slows Down Adolescents’ Perspective Taking

Tim Verbeij, Loes Pouwels, Ine Beyens & Patti M. Valkenburg

The Accuracy and Validity of Self-Reported Social Media Use Measures Among Adolescents

Teun Siebers, Ine Beyens, Loes Pouwels & Patti Valkenburg

Distracted or Not? An Experience Sampling Study on Adolescents’ Social Media Use and Self-Control Failure

Femke Konings, Ilse Vranken, Rebecca Dredge, Laura Vandenbosch & Sindy Sumter

A Systematic Review of Quantitative Research on Geo-Social Dating Applications

Rebecca Wald, Jessica Piotrowski, Theo Araujo, Annemarie van Oosten

Virtual Assistants in Families. A Cross-Sectional Survey Study to Understand Families’ Decisions to Use Virtual Assistants in the family home


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