
CCAM excellent research assessment

August 2008. ASCoR and CCAM have been assessed by an international review committee under the chairship of Professor Michael Slater, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA. The CCAM researchers received excellent ratings for their productivity, quality, relevance, and feasibility.

August 2008. ASCoR and CCAM have been assessed by an international review committee under the chairship of Professor Michael Slater, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA. The CCAM researchers received excellent ratings for their productivity, quality, relevance, and feasibility.

The assessment committee observed:
“The media and youth research group are, in the committee’s view, emerging as perhaps the “hottest” research group internationally at present in the area of media effects on youth, especially in their work on the effects of the internet etc. The work is ambitious and sophisticated theoretically and methodologically; they clearly have justified the investments by NWO in terms of moving Dutch communication science into the top tier. Members of this team are consistently publishing in the top five communication journals (underscoring their level of theoretical and methodological sophistication), at a rate that likely puts them among the top scholars in communication research in the past 3 years anywhere in the world. (…) The committee is also impressed by the program director’s commitment to continuing to press forward with innovative research to answer basic questions of communication science.”


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