
CcaM Members Present New Research in San Diego


2017bannerMany CcaM faculty, postdocs, and PhD students are presenting new research at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Running from May 26th through May 29th in San Diego, California (USA), this annual competitive conference highlights some of the best communication research from around the world.  This year, CcaM researchers will deliver 14 presentations on a wide array of topics.

The titles and corresponding authors for each presentation are listed below.  If you would like more information about any of these presentations, or would like to obtain a copy of the associated paper, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Congratulations to all our CcaM members on their excellent research!


Norms of Online Expressions of Emotion: Comparing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp

Sophie Waterloo, Jochen Peter, & Susanne Baumgartner


Exploring the long-term effects of academia media multitasking on adolescents’ academic performance

Winneke van der Schuur, Susanne Baumgartner, & Sindy Sumter


Screen Media Use and ADHD-Related Behaviors in Children and Adolescents: Four Decades of Research

Ine Beyens, Jessica Taylor Piotrowski, & Patti Valkenburg


Which Came First? Assessing Transactional Relationships Between Children's Violent Media Use and ADHD-Related Behaviors

Ine Beyens, Jessica Taylor Piotrowski, & Patti Valkenburg


The Mediating Role of Sympathy in the Relationship Between Media Violence and Adolescents’ Social Behaviors

Helen Vossen & Karin Fikkers


It Moves! It Talks! It’s Alive?! How Robot Characteristics Influence Psychological Responses and Robot Acceptance

Marieke Wieringa & Rinaldo Kuehne


Differential Relationships Between Adolescents’ Television Diets and Their Hypergender Orientations

Johanna M.F. van Oosten


Adolescents’ and Young Adults’ Sexy Self-Presentations on Social Network Sites: Differential Associations With Self-Perceptions

Johanna M.F. van Oosten & Jochen Peter


Adolescents’ Internet Pornography Use and Sexual Attitudes: The Role of Content, Resistance, and Hypergender Orientation

Marleen Klaassen, Jochen Peter, & Johanna M.F. van Oosten


Exploring Correlates of Fitspirational Social Media Use: The Role of Social Media in Body Image and Excessive Exercise Among Young Women

Sindy Sumter, Drew Cingel, & Danielle Antonis


The Development of Social Media Practices Among PreTeens (Age 8-12): An Impression Management Perspective

Dian de Vries, Sindy Sumter, Natascha Notten, & Esther Rozendaal


App Features That Fulfill Parents’ Needs in Apps for Children

Francette Broekman, Jessica Taylor Piotrowski, & Johannes W.J. Beentjes


Contextualizing Parental Needs for Children’s Apps

Jessica Taylor Piotrowski & Francette Broekman


Intervening in the Social Spaces of Identity Shift

Sophie Waterloo

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